Stephan Klapproth, Chairman
Stephan Klapproth has been presenting the news magazine «10vor10» on Swiss TV since 1993. In addition to hosting the programme in the studio he regularly broadcasts from foreign locations on special assignments and as a reporter.
Before moving to TV Stephan Klapproth was chief editor on «Echo der Zeit», the political magazine programme on Swiss radio station DRS, and he also presented the programme from 1986 to 1992. He studied political science, economics and contemporary history in Geneva.
Stephan Klapproth holds the accolade of having won the «Swiss TV Award» as the country’s most popular news presenter. He teaches television and radio journalism at the university of Neuenburg. He is also in demand as a speaker and conducts economic symposia as well as political debates.

Beatrice Maser Mallor
Ambassador Beatrice Maser Mallor (*1961), Dipl. Arch. & Postgraduate studies on developing countries ETHZ, EMBA HSG. Since 1 December 2008 in charge of the Economic Cooperation & Development Division at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. Between 2004 and 2008 heading SECO's Export and Investment Promotion Activities. From 2001 to 2004 seconded to the EBRD in London. Entered the Development Division of the Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs in 1995; previously at FUNDES in La Paz. Worked between 1989 and 1994 at Swiss Bank Corporation Zürich and New York.

Joost Oorthuizen
Executive Director of IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH)
Joost Oorthuizen (b. 1965) is Executive Director of The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH). IDH aims to deliver mainstream sustainable impact in commodity supply chains by co-investing with frontrunners from the industry and civil society in large scale improvement programs.
From 2007 until 2009 Joost Oorthuizen worked as senior consultant with Twynstra Gudde in which he guided multinational companies, governments and civil society organisations in establishing innovative partnerships. One of his assignments was fostering an alliance between governments (Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment), environmental organizations and business organisations on road and integrated area development. He was also involved in stakeholder management and sustainable chain development in the energy sector.
Before Twynstra Gudde Joost worked for Agri-Profocus where he set up alliances for agricultural value chains in developing countries. In 2003, Joost Oorthuizen got his PhD at Wageningen University on large-scale water management in the Philippines, after which he took a postgraduate training on change management at the SIOO.
IDH has programs in cocoa, tea, cotton, coffee, aquaculture, soy, palm oil, natural stone, cashew, fruits & vegetables, flowers, tropical timber, electronics and others. See for more information:

Samuel Bon
Samuel Bon assumed the position of Executive Director of Swisscontact in October 2011. He is an experienced leader and strategist with extensive hands-on experience in international development cooperation. Prior to Swisscontact he worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva holding several senior positions that included budget responsibilities of up to $30M and supervising up to 380 staff. The positions at the ICRC included Managing Director for South-East Asia & Pacific and Delegate and Team Leader in Asia and Africa. Before assuming a headquarter role in Geneva he lived abroad for seven years and was in charge of implementing complex ICRC projects - many of which required crisis and risk management - in Burma, Timor, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Congo and Sudan. He holds an Executive MBA from the International Institute of Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne and a M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Zürich. Born in Zürich, he is fluent in German, English, and French.

Hans-Peter Egler
Head of Trade Promotion, Economic Cooperation and Development, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Hans-Peter Egler, since 2001 Head of Trade Promotion within the Economic Cooperation and Development Division at SECO, is responsible for trade-related technical cooperation, including environmental and social standards.
From 1999 to 2000, he held the position of Deputy Head of SECO's Trade Promotion Section. From 1994 to 1998, his main responsibility at SECO concerned the development of new investment promotion measures and export financing for Latin America, Asia and Africa. Previously, from 1992 to 1994 he held the position of Deputy Coordinator at the Swiss Development Cooperation Office (SDC/DEZA) in La Paz, Bolivia, and from 1990 to 1992 he was responsible within BAWI (Swiss Federal office for Foreign Economic Affairs) for bilateral trade relations between Switzerland and Latin America. He started his career 1988 with the introduction of the office automation at BAWI, after having graduated, in 1987, from the University of Berne with a Master in political science and business administration.

David Rosenberg
David Rosenberg (1965) serves as Group Sustainability Advisor and Director of Sustainable Cotton at Ecom Agroindustrial Corp., a family-owned, 160-year-old international merchant in cotton, coffee, cocoa and other agricultural commodities. At Ecom, Mr. Rosenberg works with banks, NGO's, client companies and local businesses to create unconventional synergies that strengthen farmers and supply chains. Ecom's inclusive business model supports farmers to create a better product which translates into differentiated solutions for clients, lower risk, and better financing.
Mr. Rosenberg was a co-founder and Executive Director of UTZ Certified, one of the leading certification programs for sustainability and traceability, initially in coffee and most recently expanding into cocoa, tea and other commodities. Mr. Rosenberg helped launch UTZ when he served as Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Royal Ahold, the international food retailer. Previously he consulted to a wide range of multinationals on sustainability issues. In a previous incarnation, Mr. Rosenberg ran a whitewater rafting company in Costa Rica and founded an NGO there to protect wild rivers. Mr. Rosenberg earned his bachelors degree from Princeton University and masters from Boston University.

Lucas Simons
CEO & Founder of SCOPEinsight and NewForesight
Lucas Simons believes that the process of driving markets towards sustainable transformation should become mainstream. He is committed to inventing new concepts and new programs that lead the way to these sustainable market transformations.
In 2011 Lucas Simons was honoured as Young Global Leader by The World Economic Forum for his commitment and accomplishments in the field of sustainable trade, agriculture and rural development. In 2013 he became an Ashoka Fellow. As the founder and director of SCOPEinsight and NewForesight, he has been recognized for his ability to shift the agricultural finance system. Next to this he is ranked since 2011 in the top 100 of most influential Dutch persons in Sustainable Development (of Trouw Newspaper).
Lucas Simons started his career as a consultant at KPMG Sustainability followed by a position at TNO Strategy & Policy. Prior to founding NewForesight Consultancy and SCOPEinsight, he was Director of UTZ CERTIFIED and responsible for setting up the coffee, cocoa, and tea certification programs.
Simons holds an MSc Environmental Hygiene degree from Wageningen University and an MBA degree from Tias-Nimbas Graduate School of Management.

Dr. Sibyl Anwander Phan-huy
Head of Public Affairs and Sustainability, Coop Switzerland
Dr. Sibyl Anwander Phan-huy (50) is an Agricultural Economist. She studied at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, where she worked over 10 years as a researcher and lecturer in Agricultural Politics.
2001 Sibyl Anwander joined Coop Switzerland, the second largest retailer in Switzerland. In 2003 she was appointed as Head of Public Affairs and Sustainability. She was responsible for Coop's first sustainability report and is leading the Steering Group on Sustainability within Coop. She is a member and since 2011 the chair of the Supervisory Board of Business Social Compliance Initiative. She also served on other boards including FSC Switzerland. She was actively involved in Public Private Partnership-Project about the integration of social aspects in the GlobalGAP Standard. She has the lead of the Quality and Sustainable Product Committee of Coopernic, a buying group of five European retailers. Coop is a leading retailer with regard to social and ecological activities. It is the world leading company selling textiles of organic and fair traded cotton, has long standing programs for organic and fair trade products and is involved in international initiatives like 4C (Common Code for the Coffee community), RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palmoil), RTRS (Roundtable on Responsible Soy) and others. Since 2006 Coop has a partnership with WWF Switzerland which covers Forest protection, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture as well as Climate Protection. Coop is the first retailer engaged in compensating all CO2-emissions linked to transportation by air.

Jens Soth
Agricultural scientist and environmental engineer, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
Jens Soth, agricultural scientist and environmental engineer, works with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation. He has several years of experience with the implementation of organic farming in the tropics and subtropics and has conducted various life-cycle assessments of agricultural commodities. He is the delegated expert of the European Environmental Bureau within the EU Eco-Labelling scheme and the IPCC Directive for various industry sectors including textiles. Furthermore he is a nominated expert for the SEEP Panel of the International Cotton Advisory Committee and the upcoming European Standard for sustainable cocoa CEN 415.

Peter Bissegger
Speaker Director Asia / Eastern Europe, Swisscontact
Peter Bissegger, Director Asia/ Eastern Europe for Swisscontact, is involved in Project Management and consulting for various bilateral and multilateral donors. His 20 years of experience stems from projects in Indonesia and South East Asia, with a strong focus on institutional development, provate public partnerships and capacity building with the Indonesian Government. Peter Bissegger’s specializations are approaches for improving the business environment, Tourism Development and general private sector development strategies. He studied Economics and Development Cooperation in Berne and Zurich respectively, and speaks fluent German, French and English.

Simon Billington
Confectionery SBU Operations Mgr
Working Life: 26 years with Nestle in 3 countries and 6 locations.
- Technical Director, Nestlé Italy (4 years)
- European Technical Management team (2 years)
- Global industrial performance responsibility for confectionery & other areas (3 years)
- 2 Factory manager roles in UK (total 7 years)
- Production roles in UK factories (8 years)
- Marketing Brand Manager (1 year)